KerrynRTT - Hypnotherapy / RTT Testimonials

I had one session with Kerryn. I was absolutely blown away by how effortlessly Kerryn uncovered a traumatic event I had completely blocked out. Her deep insight and compassionate approach made me feel safe as she guided me through unpacking it.

The clarity I gained from our session was truly mind-blowing. I can’t thank her enough for this incredible breakthrough!

Jake (Geelong - Vic) Mar 2025

My session with Kerryn was great. Lots of realisations and she made the most sense of anyone I’ve seen...and I have seen a few! I feel like I can move forward now, really, appreciated her help.

Phil (Park Orchards - Melb) Feb 2025

Kerryn’s work has done a lot to help me recover from PTSD. Getting to the core beliefs around the difficult experiences I’ve been through, has greatly changed my life. The flow on effect has also been an improvement in my health issues. I am so grateful to her.

Michaela, Melbourne East (Feb, 2025)

Hi Kerryn, thank you for undertaking my RTT session in Bali the other day.
I'm feeling really serene. It is so unusual for me to have such a quiet mind. I really can't thank you enough, I can feel everything shifting already. Who would have thought the cliche was true and 'you could find peace in bali' Thank you again! 🥰

Gemima, London (Oct, 2023)

Just wanna say a huge thank you to Kerryn for taking the time to listen to me and to help me be the best and most authentic version of myself! I first contacted Kerryn in August as I was experiencing an emotional breakdown. I was emotionally, physically and mentally depleted, along with that I was already battling PMDD, the symptoms were creating crippling anxiety. I felt I hit rock bottom, I knew though that I didn't want to go down the path of anti depressants, anxiety meds etc so I came across RTT.

The weekly coaching sessions really helped equipped me with the right tools to take on the challenges of life and kept me accountable which was most important for me. Extremely grateful for all the extra videos and links sent to me, these tools I will continue to use forever. From the 3rd week of coaching I noticed my PMDD symptoms were becoming more milder each month and my boundaries stronger thanks to Kerryn genuinely caring and making an effort with me to not be that people pleasing little girl anymore.

Fast forward September, I'm currently in my second week of listening to the recording and my PMDD symptoms were hardly noticeable this month and I've been promoted at work as Head Nurse due to a wave of confidence from within! Can't wait to see what else is in stall for myself :)

Thank you Kerryn for helping me see I am enough xx

Sylvia, Kooyong VIC (Sep 2023)

Hi Kerryn,
Hope that you’ve been well, it has been a while. I had my RTT session with you last year when you were back in Melbourne. I am so thankful to you, and so proud to say that since our session I have gained so much more respect for myself. I’m finally no longer a people pleaser!!
I have been reflecting on my journey and wanted to express my gratitude to you as you and RTT have changed my life. I am a different person now and I now stand in my power and am a much better version of myself.
Thank you for you efforts and support, I am forever grateful.

Neesha, Leederville WA, (Jun 2023)

I have a piece of amazing news to share. I passed my exam and now I am a Jay Shetty certified Life and Success coach. I specialise in ‘ Emotional intelligence and high performance. I work with people who want to develop their emotional intelligence, and leverage their core values and qualities towards a powerful performance, creativity, and self-actualisation.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart Kerryn. You are a special person who helped me embark on this journey. I don’t think I would have achieved these results without your help and RTT. I am really grateful to you

Swami, Northcote Vic (Apr 2023)

Thanks so much again for the RTT session today Kerryn. I was a bit nervous about the session and that we were doing it over zoom but I had no need to worry as your professionalism and warmth put me at ease and with zoom I was able to have the session in the comfort of my own home…….so good 🙏🏽😇
I’m so grateful that an angel like you has come into my life. I feel I have let go of countless lifetimes of trauma after confronting them. I feel like in the color of the past and embrace the present moment. There is a deep feeling of peace and being centered in my heart and a sense of self love that doesn’t leave me, and I seem to come back to that effortlessly. I will be listening to the recording every night for 40 days as you recommended and will let you know how I go in terms of my progress in my routine. I can’t wait to see how things are going to change my life now with the new version of me ❤️🤗 thanks so much for all your help and keep doing your great work.
Thanks once again in deepest appreciation and gratitude. May divine love and light always be with you 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😇❤️❤️❤️

Arun, Armadale Vic (Jan 2023)

Words can not express my gratitude towards your efforts and support. It’s been a journey and I can honestly say I couldn’t have done it without you. You are such a humble, caring person and anyone is blessed to have you in their life. I have been extremely exhausted physically and emotionally however extremely excited for what the future holds as I start this new chapter of my life.

All my love
Elle, Fitzroy Vic (Nov 2022)

I called Kerryn after my mum suggested I try RTT therapy after watching YouTube videos on it. I first made contact when I was at a very low point I was suffering very badly with depression after a miscarriage a few months before. I was constantly highly emotional and obsessed with becoming pregnant again.

Kerryn was fantastic she spent time on the phone talking me through everything and made a time to connect on zoom. Kerryn taught me to relax and take time out & to enjoy things by taking it slow. When Kerryn thought I was ready she did the RTT therapy session. I found the session fantastic and really brought a lot of things to the surface I didn’t know I was holding in. I actually became pregnant the following month and I am now 16-weeks .

I am so grateful for meeting Kerryn and learning the life lessons she taught me & helping me to relax & stop completely obsessing & of course my opportunity to become a mother. I also love the way she keeps in regular contact after the session to check in and see how you are it makes you feel very special.

I highly recommend Kerryn if you are looking for someone real to do RTT with.

Allie, Melbourne Vic (Aug 2022)

Kerryn is full of love, compassion, kindness and  positivity. She is always available for anything I need. 

I consulted her as I had chronic back pain since 3 year’s ( fluctuating pain ), fear of flowers, and the feeling of not being good enough and feeling stuck in life. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of decoding myself. There were few initial days where I felt low but later I felt more connected to myself and others. Finding out about myself - the fears I had, not getting enough love while growing up and how I became that version of myself was very interesting and eye-opening. 

I got answers to all the questions I had. I have learnt to observe my body and mind more than ever. I feel happy, free, peaceful and confident all the time now. I go into deep sleep now. My relationship with my husband has also gone to another level. I’ve discovered new potential in myself that I never knew I had. I am now fearless and don’t feel stuck at all. I am an awesome & an incredible woman. My chronic pain is mild now. I am venturing into a totally new career in my life. 

I am extremely grateful for Kerryn’s support and guidance. I wish her the best in every aspect of her life. She is incredible.
Keep shining Kerryn! Thank You once again.

Nayana, Glen Iris Vic (Jun 2022)

During COVID I found myself feeling down and a bit lost in my life journey so contacted Kerryn to do a RTT session.  Kerryn prepared me in the lead up to our session, making sure I was ready by recommending meditation, breathwork and shifting my focus to connect with myself whilst also regularly checking in with me.  During the actual session Kerryn guided me to release what had been holding me back, things that I didn't even know had affected me from my childhood.  Through this I was able to take back my self-worth, my power and to connect with my heart. The session gave me the strength, confidence and vision to feel completely worthy.  In the weeks following I have come away feeling lighter, clearer, more confident by taking back ownership of my own inner happiness. I am now content to trust the journey.

Kerryn is incredibly supportive, understanding and caring.  Her ability to connect, guide and make you feel completely comfortable is a very special gift. Thank you Kerryn for the beautiful human that you are.

Leesa, Mitcham Vic (Apr 2022)

Hi Kerryn, I just wanted to drop you a short note to thank you for your wonderful work! All of our calls and coaching as well as the actual RTT session was so helpful in finding out the core issue that’s been holding me back. I am do glad I took this step to see and work with you as I now feel liberated. 
Thank you again

Ingrid, Seddon Vic (Feb 2022)

I went to see Kerryn in April 2021. I was feeling stuck, no confidence in myself or in my work. Kerryn worked with me to unlock what had a hold on me. As a kid of The Troubles in Northern Ireland, with a policeman father who was not dealing with his own trauma; I didn't realise that I never felt safe. I didn't realise how much fear controlled my life. Working with Kerryn unlocked this for me and since my session with Kerryn I have realised I am safe, I am loved and more importantly I have to love myself like there is no tomorrow. My confidence is so much better. My partner might even tell you that I am a bit annoying now, strutting myself about telling him I am sexy! 

If you are ready to shift what's holding you back, don't hesitate to reach out to Kerryn. I had been struggling with Sciatica for almost 6 months prior to my session. As I left the session I realised it was gone. Sciatica can be caused by emotional trauma. Thank Thank Thank you Kerryn. You are the best xx

Update Feb 2021: I have lost 11kg over 5 months of healthy eating (minimal sugar!)
Thanks to you for helping me on this journey!

Emily F, Williamstown Vic (Jun 2021)

Yeah wow it has been quite a few months with everything happening in the world since my session!

There are many positive changes that have taken place for me since my RTT session: I feel much more capable/free/steady/bounce back quicker and lighter from upsets/communication of boundaries etc is easier/more centered on checking in on myself/OCD with mess around house significantly improved eg I still like to tidy but i’ve also been reading a lot (4 books per month!) which has filled me with such joy (that was on my recording: to make time to read instead of not allowing myself to b/c there were other never ending tasks I felt just had to be done).

My plan going forward is to be really gentle on myself while these positive changes gradually take place/unfold, learn about myself with daily reflection, listen to your recording nightly before sleep and continue with self-praise and gratitude journal (also just enjoy life being in moment, time with loved ones, reading, nature etc).

Thank you so much for your work with me, I’m very grateful and wishing you and your family many good things in this unusual time

Lisbeth M, Reservoir Vic (Jan 2021)

I just wanted to write to you to thank you. Our session not only gave me my beautiful son Dion but I have just graduated ( in Melbourne) as an RTT therapist myself. I was lucky enough to share my story and session with you to Marisa and the whole cohort. I remember our session very clearly and I expressed to everyone how comfortable you made me, how inviting and beautiful your room and chair was and of course how you conducted the session. My recording was phenomenal and you added extra things that really made a positive impact on my pregnancy and marriage. 

I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart and now I hope to impact women just as you impacted my life. I will be specialising in IVF and infertility as this is what lights me up the most. Thank you again! Wow what a year it’s been! Can’t wait to see what 2020 is going to bring xx 

Tania M, Warrandyte Vic (Dec 2020)

A quick note to update you on changes since my RTT session with you to find love and clear my money blocks
The best being I have meet a lovely man. We’ve been seeing each other for about 6 weeks and I’m feeling that I may have met my man. So far he’s been to Melbourne 3 times to see me and we text & talk everyday. I feel really comfortable being with him, we talk about all sorts of things, laugh a lot and there’s definitely chemistry between us. He is very caring, a good listener, a lot of fun, interesting to talk with and he communicates well which is lovely: no second guessing or feeling anxious about about his feelings towards me as has been the case with past boyfriends.

My other news is that I was made redundant on Tuesday. It was a shock & I initially felt afraid when I found out as to how I would support myself but now having had a a few days to process, I’m seeing it as an opportunity to do something new and more suitable to me. Whilst my payout will give me almost 12 months of take home pay, I’m going to be looking for a job straight away: that way I’ll be able to clear off most, if not all of my debt with the redundancy money.
Thank you Kerryn

Joanne J, Carnegie (Oct 2020)

Thank you Kerryn for my Skype RTT Session. I felt great yesterday and today too. Using powerful affirmative words REALLY helps.
Had 2nd session with a client who hasn't stopped raving about my work. Allowing myself to receive compliments easily, without negating - simply saying 'thank you'. Also, followed up several outstanding payments with old clients too. Got a lot done yesterday, including conversation with someone who offered to help set up my crowdfunding. He's helping because he's had mental health issues, and believes in the greater good of my cause.

Started creating my money & lifestyle vision board - will focus and connect daily so it all feels familiar. Our talk really helped me shift gears, THANK YOU

Bridget, Capetown SA (Aug 2020)

Kerryn helped me to believe in myself again. She’s helped me to recognise and believe that I have self worth, that I am good enough, and that I don’t need to hold myself back anymore. She’s shown me how I can be much happier with my life by changing my subconscious - the ultimate source of much of the negativity constantly playing in my mind. She has helped me to find the root cause of a lot of that negativity in my subconscious through hypnosis and to address it both in hypnosis and in real life. And she has helped me take action to change my old life into my new life, the one I actually want to live and show me that I can have almost anything I want when I believe in myself, when I’m kind to myself and love and support myself. This all requires a lot of work though, it’s confronting to look into your subconscious, to be disciplined and step into unfamiliar, but Kerryn is a wonderful guide to have. She has been incredibly generous with her time even many weeks after my initial session.

My feelings and thoughts about myself are much more positive since my RTT session, I now feel much better about my life, much happier, positive and resilient - my subconscious certainly has changed. There have been plenty of ups and downs, but as long as I stay on track with my mini hypnosis and affirmations recording and continue to keep stepping into unfamiliar, I just keep getting better and better.

Thank you Kerryn for helping me get my life back, highly recommend, 5 star and wish I’d done this years ago.

Joel R - Footscray VIC (July 2020)

In June 2019 in WHAT DOCTOR’S DON’T TELL YOU Magazine, Kerryn featured in an article on RTT and how it changed Sofia Megzari’s life - “How I beat depression”.
Kerryn treated Sofia in May 2018 - refer below for Sofia’s testimonial. June 2019

What made you pick Kerryn, your RTT therapist? 
When I looked for an RTT therapist, I initially contacted 2 women, and booked a discovery call with each of them. I was worried about choosing the wrong one, as I had previously had so many bad experiences with therapists in the past, always feeling they made me feel naked and expressed no compassion or gave no warmth.
I really liked both of the therapists I spoke to, but Kerryn stood out because of her energy. It was like she believed in me and in her ability to help me, which I allowed myself to believe in. Her face was bright and shiny, and she was full of hope and joy.

Sofia Megzari, Denmark (June 2019)

Hi Kerryn, thank you for the letter and thank you for the experience of the RTT session. I have been listening to the recording every day and I am committed to listening to it for a minimum of 30 days. I can see how listening to it repeatedly is the difference and reinforces positive thinking. Already it has had a positive impact on me.  As I go about my day I hear the words play over in my mind and each time I listen to the recording I hear new words that resonate with me. I am taking action and it feels great or I should say I am stepping into my power.

Sina F, Melbourne VIC (May 2019)

Hi Kerryn, THANKS HEAPS AND HEAPS for my  phenomenal RTT session yesterday....... and your follow up email.  
I feel like the RTT session you facilitated  has got to the root cause of my limiting beliefs and behaviours and addressed them... THANK YOU HEAPS for recognising the best topic approach for me to address my blockages/obstacles and frustrations.

I feel confident that from that session and listening to my empowering personal recording you have recorded for me that for the first time in my life that I will be able to successfully reprogram / rewire my mind to succeed in all I wish to do, and to no longer sabotage my success or to sabotage my feelings of looking good, feeling good, or not being able to achieve.

I look forward to keeping you up to date with my many future successes !!!

Gay D, Melbourne VIC (February 2019)

Hi Kerryn, 
I wanted to give you an update on my life. 
I came to you wanting to find out what was stopping me from falling pregnant with our second child. Our session was incredible and we nailed it. I’m happy to report that I transferred an embryo in late November and now I’m almost 14 weeks pregnant. Our baby is tracking perfectly xx I’m beyond grateful to you and RTT and know In my heart that it played a huge part of my successful pregnancy.

Thank you again for helping me in the way that you did. My heart is full now. 

Tanya M, Melbourne VIC (February 2019)

I’d watched many of Maria Peer’s videos before I found Kerryn.  From the moment I spoke with Kerryn I felt her compassion and authenticity.  She made me feel at ease immediately.  I told her I’ve been suffering from anxiety and self-doubt as I write a book based on men expressing their emotions.   Despite knowing the importance of this message, I’m spending too much time researching instead of writing.  So I had to find out what was really going on.  After one session with Kerryn, all was revealed.  I don’t trust my own intuition.  I’ve allowed myself to listen to others instead.  I was overjoyed that after three weeks of doing RTT, I experienced a shift.  The self-doubt is being replaced with knowing those limiting beliefs were never me.  I’m now fully aware of what I’m saying to myself.  I now feel confident and free.  I’m constantly making the unfamiliar familiar.  It’s exhilarating.  I’ve gone from excessive researching to taking action.  I’m trusting myself in other areas of my life too and being more spontaneous.   My family have noticed the difference in me.   Kerryn, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to you.  You provided the path for me to become the person I always knew I could be.  I am capable of writing this book and I’m excited to be doing it bit by bit every day.  I can still hear you saying to me, ‘Sue, there are men out there right now who are waiting to read this book.  They need it and they need you to help them.’  I’m now heading in the right direction to make that a reality.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Sue, Melbourne Vic (January 2019)

I heard about Kerryn from a friend, made contact and decided to fly from Brisbane to Melbourne to see her.
I saw Kerryn about 3 months ago and what can I say, she has truely changed in my life. I came away from my appointment feeling full of confidence knowing I could do this but I wanted to give myself time before writing a review to truly see the results and 3 months later I feel confident, content and happier than I have ever felt in my life - I walk tall with my head held high, I am proud of me, I AM ENOUGH!!!

Life still presents challenges but I feel equipped and capable of dealing with them. Kerryn genuinely cares, she gave me the skills to overcome my life issues and sent me on a journey of happiness for the rest of my life. Before I even met her in person she was sending me messages of support and links to videos that she new would help me because I was in a bad place. After my appointment she has kept in regular contact with me to see how I am going and make sure I am ok. She is a beautiful soul who cared about me being really happy and now I am!

People have commented that there is something different about me, that I glow and they have never seen me like this before. My husband and children love how happy I am but most of all I love how happy I am. I can’t recommend Kerryn enough because I know she can help make your life wonderful too.
Thank you Kerryn xxx

Cindy, Brisbane, Qld (November 2018)

Let me begin by saying a HUGE THANK YOU! In all my years and vast experience I have never ever come across someone as caring, professional and truly gifted as you. In the short time I have known you the support, love and passion for "making a difference" shines through you like a galaxy of stars on a dark night. You genuine compassion is not only unique it is profoundly refreshing. I will most definitely not only recommend you to my friends, family, colleagues and business clients who I know would benefit immediately, I will ensure that I always share my gratitude and acknowledgement of how you have changed my life. With so much eternal gratitude for the angel you are

Emily, Melbourne Vic (September 2018)

Hello beautiful Kerryn, thank you for doing my 'finding love' RTT session. I need to let you know I have met a gorgeous man and we are in a relationship, he is everything I have been looking for and I am very happy and excited. Thank you for helping me love myself and find love with this very special person, I am so grateful.

Debbie, Melbourne Vic (June 2018)

Wow, THANK YOU Kerryn and THANK YOU RTT.   Six weeks ago I met you Kerryn and 6 weeks later I’m almost 7 kilos lighter.
After 20 years of on/off therapy trying to figure why I was overweight - Kerryn SMASHED it and figured it out in only 2 Rapid Transformational Therapy sessions. It’s unbelievable and it really is as “Rapid” as the name suggests.

I had some deep seeded beliefs from my childhood that has stopped me from reaching my full potential in life. I couldn’t stick to anything, I was a quitter. I couldn’t stick to a diet even though I attempted 1000’s of them.  I had spent thousands and thousands of dollars sourcing therapists, psychologists, naturopaths, dietitians etc to help me identify why I was overweight but nothing ever worked for me long term. I knew what to do, I knew how to lose weight but I could never commit and stick to a program.
Here I am 6 weeks later and focused like a laser beam - never deviating from my new way of eating and never tempted with the foods I once loved. Kerryn’s took me through a nutritional coaching session and planted the seed of how unhealthy and toxic these foods really are. These were foods that I once loved and now they disgust me. RTT and Kerryn have opened the door to my mind allowing me to reach my full potential. Not only has the weight started to come off, but I’m less anxious and also more confident.

The door of possibilities always had limitations for me previously but now I know, and believe, I can achieve so much more. I have a new job, I’m losing weight and have many dreams to fulfill - plus I confidently know I can achieve them all. Thank you Kerryn from the bottom of my heart xx

MaryAnn - Rowville Vic (May 2018)

A month ago, I was contemplating suicide for the umpteenth time, after more than 25 years of battling depression and anxiety, as well as compulsive overeating.
Today, exactly 3 weeks after my one online session with Kerryn, I am sitting in NYC taking an RTT course to become a therapist myself, and I truly believe that these problems are gone forever! If this isn't an amazing success story, then I don't know what is.

Kerryn was amazing from our first call, and inspired trust and confidence in me, even though I was nervous to trust therapy one more time. All my previous experiences had been not only disappointing, but directly hurtful, and never gave me much relief. But Kerryn was so warm and enthusiastic that I started believing that this could actually help me. 
In one session only, she turned my life around! Not only was my depression lifted, but my anxiety level was at a minimum (even though I was in the middle of a major conflict in my life), As for my compulsive eating, that changed in a split second! As soon as we made sense of everything, it is as if I lost interest in all the food items I had been obsessed about. I now eat a sixth of what I normally ate, and only feel drawn to eat healthy foods when I do eat. I went to a fast food restaurant a few days after our session, and couldn't eat anything, as it all tasted so disgusting to me! 

Although lifting the depression is by far the biggest achievement in all of this, I mention the food because it is so mind-blowing to witness such a deep change in one single session.  I recommend Kerryn to everyone, because she truly cares about her clients, and has a heart bigger than life. And that is gold!  Truly amazing!
Maria - Amsterdam (May 2018)

At a time when I was facing a job redundancy, trying to be positive was very difficult, particularly when the people around me, were providing stories of how their friends/relatives took a long time to find work, and how difficult finding work has become.
I turned to Kerryn to assist me with ensuring that the negative statements did not affect me and that I stay positively focused.  Kerryn kept reinforcing on what we are all able to achieve with the power of the mind.

Amazing, after seeing Kerryn, within a few days I had 4 interviews which resulted in now being employed.  I was only redundant for a period of 2 weeks.  I cant recommend Kerryn enough, I have been to other hypnotherapists, but the work that Kerryn does is different to normal hypnotherapy and is effective immediately.  

Truly amazing!

Alva - Croydon, Vic (Apr 2018)

I have been searching for a solution for my digestive issues for ever, then I heard about Rapid Transformational Therapy. After exploring RTT further, I found Kerryn who was fantastic at explaining the treatment thoroughly and how confident she was it could help me. Kerryn has a warm, open and gentle manner and made the entire process comfortable and relaxing.

After only two appointments with Kerryn, I had a definite shift in my digestive issues, which is totally amazing and for which I will be forever grateful. As an added little “cherry-on-top”, I am no longer picking constantly at my cuticles and on the way to lovely nails. I’m super happy that I’ve finally found a natural and nurturing treatment to address my issue and some of the underlying emotional contributors.

I highly recommend Kerryn as a therapist, she is so genuine, caring and her approach and methods are really effective and also stays in contact after your session and provides invaluable coaching. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Michaela - Hawthorn, Vic (Mar 2018)

I’ve been suffering from Chronic Fatigue for a couple of years now, and I saw Kerryn to help with this. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but was really at ease with Kerryn, and there was nothing about her process that made you uncomfortable. 

During the consultation I had a lot of grief come up that I had no idea that I was carrying around with me, and it felt so good to be able to let go of this. My health has picked up since I’ve seen Kerryn, and I’ve felt a lot more positive, joyful and resilient as a result. It’s also helped with the anxiety that goes with my condition. Kerryn put in a lot of research and time to tailor her approach for me, and she has been so caring and supportive. 

I definitely recommend making an appointment to see her!"

Anny S - Melbourne, Vic (Jan 2018)

To be honest l had never heard of RTT until I discussed it with Kerryn. I had heard of people being hypnotised to help them quit smoking but that's all I knew about Hypnotherapy. Kerryn explained to me in detail about RTT and how would definitely help me. I decided to give Kerryn and RTT a go. The experience was exciting and the whole session was calming. 

I can't describe in words the instant feeling l experienced or perhaps the change l felt within myself but l can say 100% it was the first time in a long time l felt at peace with myself because the whole session was about me. I loved it and l love the direction l am now heading towards. Thank you Kerryn and l am so grateful and for the first time in a long time I am excited about my future.

Michelle F - Vermont, Vic (Oct 2017)


RTT was exactly what I needed. Having my RTT session with Kerryn was life changing for me. I went from struggling with chronic dermatitis, emotional binge eating and unable to find the motivation to exercise to now having much less irritated skin, working out 5 times a week and I am also down almost 5kgs and counting.

The biggest difference for me is the effort involved. I don’t struggle to wake up for the early morning workouts any more and I no longer turn to food when I get stressed out. There’s been a significant shift and the things that were most difficult for me now seem almost effortless.

I finally feel like I’ve shaken off the past that was holding me back and keeping me stagnant and am now excited about living to my fullest potential.

Maryann S - Templestowe, VIc (Sep 2017)

I want to feel like these guys